I don’t know how long it’s been, but it’s been awhile. While I don’t have any new developments or things I’m working on, there are somethings I can talk about.
I’m not gonna lie, art wise, this year has been pretty lackluster. While I was able to improve on rendering (so much so it became more regular) my output sucked. I wasn’t making a lot of art, and found myself avoiding it more and more. That’s been more clear recently, as for a whole month I literally didn’t make anything new. I was also out of meds too and couldn’t get more till literally a few days ago. Thankfully this time I have backup meds and my regular which is nice, but it’s definitely made me more reliant on them for my creative output.
Over all I’ve just been in a slump and I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I’ve had a few theories as to why this is happening. I could be burn out, but I fear it might be worse. Not really caring about my art anymore. I hope that isn’t the case and I’m just burned out after years of nonstop art everyday. Or it’s just my dose is lower, and I should raise it a bit. I don’t want headaches and sleep deprivation like before. I can try to come with a reason why, but in the end it’s all on me.
I should probably clarify that it’s mostly digital art I’ve been lacking in. I have been drawing on paper, but that doesn’t feel as special as making a digital piece to me.
(Puppet Earl in the Peter Griffin pose)
There is probably one thing I could talk about. I was messing with MultiPaint again, and coincidentally a trailer for a new anime about making PC-98 games and using MPS came out. I wasn’t able to make any good art, because holy shit I cannot draw with a mouse for the life of me, but I think I’ll take a look at that anime just to see if I can find ANY sign that I can use a pen to draw. Information on MPS is nonexistent anyway.
OH! I also uploaded MPS to the archive because I couldn’t find the Reddit post I originally got the file from and all the roms online don’t have any data on them.
So I’ll link that HERE! Also apologies for it starting with a black screen. You can invert the color turn it back to white.
That’s about it. I’ll try to make up for my lackluster output for the new year!
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year.