How's it going Newgrounds! Yep, it's been awhile since my last post. Things have rather slow lately, but I've been picking up my steam again! But time for some context...
Earlier this month, I wasn't doing a lot of creative works; a lot of thoughts running through my head. I didn't have much going for myself, and Twitter was (and still is sadly) really addictive to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Eventually one of my friends suggested I take a break from Twitter because I was clearly not in a good head space. Though at the time I'd spent most of the day doing outside work which helped, but they were right. I had gotten into a tangent the day before showing an ugly side of myself. One of my other friends even told me I wasn't posting as much art as I use to.
So I tried doing some things I've been needing to get done for awhile. But in the end ♪It doesn't even matter♪. I still felt like crap, and most of my thoughts hadn't gone away. I needed to talk to someone, but it could be any of my friends. As much as I appreciate them putting up with my rambles, my thoughts only come back. So I message my oldest sister instead. I brought up one of my main issues I'd been dealing with, and she said she'd been in a similar situation before. While the advice she offered was one I've heard many times before, the way she explained it made so much more sense to me.
Basically, I was fighting a fight that had been over for about a year. I was fighting with myself because I had no way of fighting with the other. And even when I tried it was met with a brick wall. So I had to let it go, because there was nothing else I could do.
Nowadays, I feel much better. My only worry is whether or not I can beat Pizza Tower because that game is HARD. I'm currently on the second floor, and it's now taking me multiple tries to beat one level. It's putting me in tears, causing my hands to shake, and hyperventilating while shouting at Peppino to "GET OUT OF THERE!!!". And with a video I saw of someone else struggling through a level where some MF will take you back to the start of the room if he catches you, I think my chances of beating Pizza Tower is 0 to none. But honestly, it's the best worry I've had in a long time.
With that said, I think I'm going to work on my art skills again. There are things I still suck at like backgrounds, but anatomy and body types are still snag. I want to draw people embracing each other like idiotdoodoohead or lovehaleylo do. Especially when it comes to body fat. Thankfully I found something to help me drive that, so expect a lot of gay middle aged men. I'm excited! :)